I aim to combine craftsmanship and high quality materials with a bespoke service to match. Therefore, you can be confident in the passion that has gone into your product.
I use natural Danish oils to create a smooth low lustre sheen which is water resistant. Despite this, it should not be left outside or in an overly damp or humid environment.
Over time, should the product dull down, smooth out any scratches and buff with an ultra-fine 0000+ grade wire wool and use a good Danish oil to bring your product back to its former glory. In-between coats buff with a clean cloth. This will also bring any metal inlay, which over time may have tarnished, back to its original sheen. You can also use a silver polishing cloth.
Ashtrays - You should never stub out your cigar directly on the wood. Instead, when finished simply leave the cigar on the rest until it has distinguished itself.
After using your ashtray discard any ash and lightly wipe the surface with a soft damp cloth. After this, polish with a soft dry cloth.
Kept well your bespoke ashtray will keep you and your cigars company for the entirety of your smoking life, so sit back, light up, and smoke away!
If any problems arise, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Christian Owen